GR looking for summer day campers, volunteers

GR looking for summer day campers, volunteers

wolmerica 2 weeks ago 2

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — The city of Grand Rapids is bringing its summer day camps back for another year and you can sign up to join or help out.

This is the seventh year the camps will be offered for free to residents. About 200 campers will be able to attend the camps at Garfield Park, Martin Luther King Park and Roosevelt Park.

Each campsite will host students ages 5 to 14 and will be held Monday through Friday from June 10 to Aug. 18.

The city is also looking for camp counselors this summer. Volunteers will work 25 hours per week on the job and will be paid $16 an hour for their work. You must be 15 years or older to be considered for a position.

“Our Summer Day Camp program is an important resource providing safe, fun and engaging activities for youth in our community,” David Marquardt, the city’s parks and recreation director, said in a statement. “Our counselors are a major part of what makes the program possible and successful.”

If you would like to sign up for the day camps, you can do so by clicking here. If you want to volunteer as a counselor, click here.

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